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Ignou question papers 2020 -2021 | Important Questions || IGNOU Previous Year Question Paper | IGNOU announces the term-end exam date sheet before the IGNOU exam.
Students appearing in the IGNOU Term and Examination should complete their complete syllabus and start their exam practices as well.
It is important to work on the previous year questions in IGNOU. This increases the likelihood of students getting goods marks in the paper.
MCO 03: Research Methodology and Statistical Analysis
June 2018
Q1. Explain any four methods of research with relevant examples.
Q2. Differentiate between Stratified Random Sampling and Multistage Sampling. What are their advantages and limitations?
(a) What do you understand by the term lo 'Normal Distribution' ? What are its characteristics ?
(b) Explain the importance of 'Bayes Theorem in decision making.
Q4. Explain the following :
(a) Hypothesis Testing.
(b) Type-I and Type-II Errors.
Q5. (a) Explain different sources of Secondary data for research. What are the precautions to
be taken while using secondary data?
(b) Explain the Conditions and Limitations of applying CM-Square test.
Q6. (a) Explain the concept and uses of index numbers.
(b) Distinguish between weighted index numbers and unweighted index numbers.
Q7. (a) Explain what cautions needs to be exercised in interpretation of data?
(b) Discuss the steps involved in preparation of a research report.
Q8. Write short notes on any two of the following :
(a) Level of significance in testing hypothesis.
(b) Frequency distribution and Probability distribution with example.
(c) Correlation and Regression.
(d) Interval and Rating Scales with example.