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MCO 03: Research Methodology and Statistical Analysis
Dec 2018
Q1. Explain Chi-square test as a goodness of fit. Also, explain conditions for applying Chi-square test.
(a) What do you understand by point estimation, and interval estimation.
(b) Explain different approaches to probability with examples.
Q3. (a) Discuss different methods of non-random sampling with examples of each method.
(b) Enumerate sampling and non-sampling errors.
Q4. Discuss different types of Interval scales and their applicability in business research.
Q5. (a) Explain the purpose of splicing and Deflating of index numbers with suitable examples.
(b) Discuss the importance of Visual Presentation of Data.
Q6. (a) Explain the significance of research in Business.
(b) Explain the significance of following terms:
(i) Standard error of estimate
(ii) Coefficient of determination.
Q7. Draw : (a) Histogram, and (b) Frequency polygon for the following data and do the necessary
description of the data.
Profit (Rs. in Crores) | 0-10 | 10-20 | 20-30 | 30-40 | 40-50 | 50-60 | 60-70 |
No. of companies | 2 | 5 | 10 | 25 | 50 | 20 | 8 |
Q8. Write short notes on any two of the following
(a) t-test for Independent Samples
(b) Statistical Fallacies
(c) Components of Research Report
(d) Poisson Distribution